Combination therapy involves the simultaneous application of Therapeutic Ultrasound (US) with Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation therapy (TENS) Unit for faster and better relief from pain. Before getting to know its combined power, lets understand the individual treatment modalities a bit. Therapeutic Ultrasound (US) Ultrasound therapy is a deep heating treatment where the probe or the transducer of the ultrasound machine when vibrates produce sound waves which are transmitted deep into the skin. These ultrasound waves further hit the underlying tissues causing them to vibrate which then produces heat that relieves the pain or stiffness of that particular area. It is a very low-risk, natural and non-invasive procedure whose heating technique help to alleviate muscle pain, improve blood flow and encourage the body to heal faster and naturally. Ultrasound therapy machine is one of the oldest and widely used treatment modality that is known to treat acute to very chronic pains and discomforts that include swelling, inflammation, sports injuries, muscle cramps, any condition of joints and ligaments. Issues 3 such as tendonitis, arthritis etc. TENS Therapy Whereas Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation is a therapy that involves the use of mild electric current to treat pains, aches or discomforts. It is a non-invasive treatment method where a battery-operated device generates small electrical impulses which are transmitted into the affected area of the skin via sticky pads called electrodes attached to the skin. The electrical impulses work on the pain signals and block them from reaching the brain and the spinal cord, thus reducing the pain and relaxing the stiff muscles. TENS unit also stimulates the production of endorphins, which are the bodys natural painkillers, helping the body to heal itself faster and in a better way. TENS machine is known to treat a wide range of conditions like arthritis, period pain, knee neck back pain, pelvic pain caused by endometriosis, sports injuries and a lot of others.