Sciatica,Joint pain,Neck & Back pain,Plantar
Headaches,Repeated strain injuries, Acute and Overuse muscle injuries Tendinopathy as Tennis Elbow,
Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITB) Dry Needling can be used for conditions as: Muscle spasms and strains Is
Dry Needling Safe? What are the side effects of Dry Needling? Your Physiotherapist or Osteopath trained in
Dry Needling will explain the associated risks and discuss if this treatment is suitable according to your
condition and medical history. When the needle is inserted into your body, you will feel a small pinprick
and possibly also a muscle twitch response. These are all normal with positive outcomes for
symptom-relief. Patients may also experience post-treatment soreness, but this usually resolve within
24-48hrs following treatment. As Dry Needling is a minimally invasive treatment, there are some risks
associated with this technique as local bleeding, bruising, infection and pain. The use of
single-wrapped-sterilised needles reduce the chance of infection. Serious adverse events from dry needling
are very rare.